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Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems 7th PDF 14: Enhance Your Knowledge and Skills in Feedback Contro


  • Introduction to automatic control

  • Closed-loop transfer functions

  • Analysis of dynamic systems

  • Design and analysis of PID controllers

  • Loop shaping controller design

  • State space analysis and control design

  • Introduction to digital implementation

  • Analyze a linear dynamical system (both time and frequency responses), A3

  • Construct and analyse a discrete-time model for a dynamic system, A5

  • Design a PID controller, A7

  • Design a simple controller for a dynamic system, A8

  • Assess / Evaluate the stability, performance and robustness of a closed-loop system, A12

  • Define (specifications) the adequate control performance for dynamic systems, A13

  • Propose several control solutions, formulate the trade-offs, choose the options, A14

feedback control of dynamic systems 7th pdf 14

This paper presents uniformly ultimate boundedness (UUB) control design for switched linear systems with parametric uncertainties. Only the possible bound of the uncertainty is needed. Under arbitrary switching laws, a continuous state feedback control scheme is proposed in order to guarantee uniformly ultimate boundedness of every system response within an arbitrary small neighborhood of the zero state. The design techniques are based on common Lyapunov functions and Lyapunov minimax approach.

[5P] F. Persiani, A. Piazzi, "An evolutionist approach to the synthesis of stabilizing neural controllers", Proceedings of the '91 International AMSE Conference "Signals & System", Warsaw (Poland), vol. 2, pp. 213-222, 15-17 July 1991.

[6P] A. Piazzi, "Decomposability of controlled invariants: an application to the regulator problem with disturbance decoupling", Proceedings of the '91 International AMSE Conference "Signals & System", Warsaw (Poland), vol. 2, pp. 133-143, 15-17 July 1991.

[14P] C. Guarino Lo Bianco, A. Piazzi, "Mixed H2/H-infinity fixed-structure control via semi-infinite optimization", Proceedings of the 7th IFAC Symposium on Computer Aided Control Systems Design, Gent (Belgium), pp. 329-334, 28-30 April 1997.

[18P] A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "Minimum-time open-loop smooth control for point-to-point motion in vibratory systems", Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Leuven (Belgium), vol. 2, pp. 946-951, 16-20 May 1998.

[19P] C. Guarino Lo Bianco, A. Piazzi, "A worst-case approach to SISO mixed H2/H-infinity control", Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE Conference on Control Applications, Trieste (Italy), vol. 1, pp. 684-688, 1-4 September 1998.

[22P] C. Guarino Lo Bianco, A. Piazzi, "A global optimization approach to scalar H2/H-infinity control", Proceedings of the European Control Conference, Karlshure (Germany), 30 August - 3 September 1999.

[30P] A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "End-point control of a flexible-link via optimal dynamic inversion", Proceedings of the IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, Como (Italy), pp. 936-941, 8-11 July 2001 (pdf).

[31P] A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "A dynamic inversion approach to robust set-point regulation of TITO systems", Proceedings of the European Control Conference, Porto (Portugal), pp. 2676-2681, 4-7 September 2001.

[33P] A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "LQ-based set-point constrained regulation of uncertain systems via dynamic inversion", Proceedings of the European Control Conference, Porto (Portugal), pp. 3481-3485, 4-7 September 2001.

[34P] A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "Flexible link end-point control based on exact dynamic inversion: experimental results", Proceedings of IMECE'01 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, New York, USA, 11-16 November 2001 (pdf).

[35P] C. Guarino Lo Bianco, A. Piazzi, "Inversion-based control of wheeled mobile robots", Proceedings of the IEEE 2002 Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Versailles (France), pp. 190-195, 18-20 June 2002.

[36P] A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "Robust multivariable set-point regulation via stable dynamic inversion", Proceedings of the 15th IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control, Barcelona (Spain), 21-26 July 2002 (pdf).

[37P] L. Consolini, A. Piazzi, M. Tosques, "A dynamic inversion based controller for path-following of car-like vehicles", Proceedings of the 15th IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control, Barcelona (Spain), 21-26 July 2002.

[40P] C. Guarino Lo Bianco, M. Romano, A. Piazzi, "Vision-based feedback control strategy for an industrial band oven", Proceedings of the European Control Conference, Cambridge (UK), 1-4 September 2003 (pdf).

[44P] C. Guarino Lo Bianco, A. Piazzi, M. Romano, "Smooth control of a wheeled omnidirectional robot", Proceedings of the IFAC 2004 Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles Conference, Lisboa (Portogal), 5-7 July 2004 (pdf).

[45P] A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "A noncausal approach to the improvement of PID control performances" Proceedings of the 2004 American Control Conference, Boston (USA), pp. 4022-4027, 30 June - 2 July 2004.

[46P] A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, L. Ciobani, "A toolbox for dynamic inversion based control system design", Proceedings of the 39th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Paradise Island (Bahamas), pp. 1289-1294, 13-17 December 2004.

[47P] D. Pallastrelli, A. Piazzi, "Stable dynamic inversion of nonminimum-phase scalar linear systems", Proceedings of the 16th IFAC World Congress, Prague (Czech Republic), 4-8 July 2005 (pdf).

[51P] A. Visioli, A. Piazzi, "An automatic tuning method for cascade control systems", Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, Munich (Germany), pp. 2968-2973, 4-6 October 2006 (pdf).

[52P] L. Consolini, A. Piazzi, "Minimum-time feedforward control with input and output constraints", Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE Conference on Computer Aided Control Systems Design, Munich (Germany), pp. 1538-1543, 4-6 October 2006.

[53P] L. Consolini, A. Piazzi, "Generalized bang-bang control for feedforward constrained regulation", Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Diego (California USA), pp. 893-898, 13-15 December 2006.

[54P] L. Consolini, O. Gerelli, C. Guarino Lo Bianco, A. Piazzi, "Minimum-time control of flexible joints with input and output constraints", Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Roma (Italy), pp. 3811-3816, 10-14 April 2007.

[55P] L. Consolini, A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "Minimum-time feedforward control for industrial processes", Proceedings of the European Control Conference, Kos (Greece), pp. 5282-5287, 2-5 July 2007 (pdf).

[58P] C. Carnevale, A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "A methodology for integrated system identification, PID controller tuning and noncausal feedforward control design", Proceedings of the 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul (Korea), pp. 13324-13329, 6-11 July 2008 (pdf).

[59P] C. Carnevale, A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "Noncausal open-loop control with combined system identification and PID controller tuning", Proceedings of the UKACC Control Conference, Manchester (UK), 2-4 September 2008.

[61P] M. Braschi, A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "On the practical implementation of a noncausal feedforward technique for PID control", Proceedings of the European Control Conference, Budapest (Hungary), pp. 1806-1811, 23-26 August 2009.

[62P] A. Di Fluri, A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "Feedforward/feedback control of a magnetic levitation apparatus", Proceedings of the European Control Conference, Budapest (Hungary), pp. 4593-4598, 23-26 August 2009 (pdf).

[65P] G. Lini, A. Piazzi, "Time-optimal dynamic path inversion for an automatic guided vehicle", Proceedings of the 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Atlanta, (Georgia, USA), pp. 5264-5269, 15-17 December 2010 (pdf).

[68P] L. Consolini, G. Lini, A. Piazzi, "Minimum-time rest-to-rest feedforward action for PID feedback MIMO systems", Proceedings of the IFAC Conference on Advances in PID Control, Brescia (Italy), 28-30 March 2012 (pdf).

[69P] L. Consolini, A. Costalunga, A. Piazzi, M. Vezzosi, "Minimum-time feedforward control of an open liquid container", Proceedings of the 39th Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Vienna (Austria), pp. 3590-3595, 10-13 November 2013 (pdf).

[4R] M. Dilda, A. Piazzi, "Using quadratic indexes in the synthesis of harmonic disturbante attenuation controllers", Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione, Università di Parma, Report n. TSC01/95, ottobre 1995.

[8R] M. Romano, C. Guarino Lo Bianco, A. Piazzi, "Vision-based feedback control system design of an industrial band oven", Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione, Università di Parma, Technical Report, Deliverable D.20.14 of the European Project COOKIES, April 2003.

[9R] M. Romano, C. Guarino Lo Bianco, A. Piazzi, R. Santi, "Quality control of baking status of oven products", Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione, Università di Parma, Public Final Report of EUTIST-IMV Activity COOKIES, European Project COOKIES, October 2003 (pdf). 2ff7e9595c


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