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HACK Hirens.BootCD.10.4: Discover the Power of Hiren's Boot CD and How to Use It Effectively


The Intel wireless did not work, but I was able to install a D-Link DWL-G122 USB wireless NIC using the Ralink drivers. Video works flawlessly including res change. Sound did not work out of the box, but I got it working very easily using this small hack.

native install with JaS patched 10.4.6some install trouble (slooow) with original DVD-ROM swapped with a different manufacturer-Pentium M 1.6Ghz-AC97 sound works-Nvidia @ 1400x1050 with MacVidia-Onboard NIC, PCI, USB, FW working-wireless with Netgear WG511T - detected as Airport-Power management hack working

HACK Hirens.BootCD.10.4

Boot only when an external monitor is connected (with CI and QE). I've replaced my wifi miniPCI card with a dell truemobile 1450 and wifi works now (without any hack). Sigmatel audio is recognized (i've the sound icon in the top left border) but no sound at all... USB, ethernet , firewire, keyboard, touchpad and multimedia keys works fine. The memory card reader doesn't works. The works.

HP Pavilion dv1520us JaS 10.4.6 dual boot with AcronisIntel Pentium M 735A 1.73GHz SSE2, 512mb DDR2, 80GB HDUsed JaS 10.4.6 with external monitor then made easy paperclip dongle. Now Have Full QE/CI support...and 1280x768 support with Intel GMA 900.Intel/Pro Wireless 2200b/g Not working got a Belkin USB b/g F5D7050v2 with this Ralink 11g-RT2500 Driver.Ethernet functions fine without hack.Audio works, Volume Keys work and so does mute, DVD Burner works, USB Works, Firewire works.CPU runs kinda hot so I installed cputhrottle and it works great and prevents fan from spinning so hard. Haven't tested modem, pcmcia or card reader.No battery support, until I installed Powermanagement Bundle and now I at least get a battery percentage but it won't show time remaining. PCMCIA and Firewire works with this hack. Also updated to 10.4.7 with Jas' update and it works great! . . . . .

Everything works under 10.4.6.-To get wireless you need to copy over the 10.4.5 io80211.kext from the combo updater and using pacifist. Also change the networkinterface.plist from en0 to en1 and the 0 to 1.-Natively, QE and CI work, however, you are not in 1400x1050 res. You can change to 1400x1050 two different ways. First way is to just do the Graphics Mode trip, and change it to 1400x1050x32. You can also do the Callisto B003 hack, and get display selections within the OS. However, doing this disables QE and CI. Follow step 11 of the callisto FAQ in the downloaded folder.-You do the battery hack to get the battery display back.- Turn bluetooth with fn+f5Notes: Using QE and CI, you get a LOT of mouse tearing. Personally, i am not watching very many movies compared to how much screen tearing i am willing to deal with, so i used the callisto hack but opted out of turning back on QE and CI. If I need QE or CI, i just turn it on, although it does take a reboot. Not positive that the callisto hack unlocks widescreen b/c i havn't hooked it up to my monitor yet, but i have no reason to believe it wouldnt based on others experiances.

Audio - AC97 ICH6 + Realtek AL655 works (see below).10/100 Ethernet - Realtek RTL8139 works by default.Video - GMA900 (QE\CI, full resolutions support w/patched drivers), requires 2 wire hack on external VGA port.HL-DT-ST GCA4080N DVDRW - works and disc burning is supported by default.IEEE1394 FireWire (400) - works.USB 2.0 - works by default.

OSX Version: JAS 10.4.6 installed sse2 and network drivers at install. Touchpad works but no tappingWidescreen worksEthernet works greatNo ModemGreat SoundNo Wireless (Intel 2200 BG).Need paperclip hack for videoNo sleep!

Hibernates when I close the laptop. Touchpad 'double tap' and other features don't work initially, but after closing the laptop and resuming from hibernation the touchpad works fine. Stable, battery meter worked with hacks. Tried a few things for Wifi and it was a no go. I'm sure I can get ethernet and sound working if I tried.

Everything works perfectly out of the box except display: sound, network, wifi... You HAVE TO boot with a VGA monitor connected, or it won't work. I'm NOT ANYMORE working on that (i managed to have it work perfectly under 10.4.3, but i didn't manage to do it with 10.4.5 or later). Installed hacked battery monitor and touchpad driver. CPU seems to run at full speed all the time, fans are running at half or full speed all the time, annoying.

Bitlocker sifresini o cdilede acamazsin o akli vereni bilmiyorum bu alanda hack yöntemi varsa ciktiysa bir sekilde olur ama cd sana hic bir fayda saglamiycak sifreli bir dosya hangi isletim sistemiyle acarsan ac sifreli kalicaktir.Yapacagin tek seyi yukarda söyledim yada forumlarda gezipde Bitlocker Hack olayi varsa onu yapacaksin.

Bilgisayar şifreleme esnasında elektrik kesintisi nedeniyle kapanmış hal böyle olunca yoğun HDD aktivitesi içinde veri işleme yarıda kalmış dolayısıyla HDD nin o an kullanılan kısımda BAD SECTOR yada bozuk verili kısım olabilir, amaç Hiren's Boot CD ile açıp uygun program ile HDD üzerinde olabilecek mevcut hataların giderilmesi ve sonra windowsu açıp şifrelerle tekrar açmaya çalışmak.Şifre ve kurtarma anahtarı zaten arkadaşın elinde mevcut ve şifresini girdiği zaman "Bir G/Ç aygıt hatası nedeniyle istek yürütülemedi" uyarısı çıkıyor. Nedir bu uyarı? G/Ç genellikle takılan cihazların kablolarında olan sorundan kaynaklanır fakat bana bu durumda hiçte öyle gelmedi. Dilenirse HDD kablosunun yerini değiştirebilirsiniz (primary yada Secondary).Buradaki amaç ilk başta fiziksel olarak hatanın giderilmesidir!!!Ben gerekli cevabi verdim arkadasim elektrik gitmesi falan sorun degil adam sifreyi basta yazmis islem sirasinda elektrik gitse dahi sifresi gecerli.Boot cd olayina gelince mantigi sadece yedekleme yada Hd onarmak olsa dahi gereksiz bir durum Arkadasin sorununa care olamaz boot cd, linux, Mac os ne kurarsa ne yaparsa yapsin sadece 2 yöntem var ya hack olayi varmi bilmiyorum, yada sifreyi hatirliyacak.Hard diskte bozuk sector hatasi chkdsk ilede düzeltebilir yada Vista ve Seven zaten o durumlarda acilista bunlari oto düzeltmek icin ekran cikartiyor ve bozuk sectoru tamir imkani yoksa iptal ediyor.Tartismaya girmek yada seni hedef alan bir yorum yapmadim neticede sende bende yardimci olmak istemisiz msg sana özel degildi yani.Ama o sekilde olmaz dostum bu arkadas bir sekilde sifre ve kurtarma icin hatali bir tusa basti caplock acik kaldi yada o tarz bir sey neyse kusura bakma msg amacim sana özel degil geneldi afedersin

Şİfre ve kurtarma şifresi zaten adamın elinde ve G/Ç hatasından dolayı açamıyor. Zaten yardım metinlerinde yazar yarıda kalırsa kurtarma şansınız yoktur gibisinden.Windows Bitlockerın şifresi açılmadan chkdsk yapılmasına izin vermez, bundan dolayıdır ki yarıda kalmış şifreleme olayında rahmetli olma olasılığı olan kısımı dos ortamında kurtarma şansı olabilir. dostaki program ile HDD hatalarını giderebilir şifreyi çözemez. Zaten hack ise şuan için mümkün değil.

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At that moment, entire teams of hackers began their long and painstaking work on creating their own assemblies of "apple" operating systems, which could later be installed on any computers that were suitable in terms of technical characteristics.

My guess is that the myths about the hackintosh, the computer that runs the Mac OS, get in the way of most people wanting to switch to a Mac. Before proceeding directly to the description installing Mac OS X on a PC, I will try to dispel some of the myths:

P.P.S. The administration of this site does not in any way force or offer you to install Mac OS X hack builds, we are against software hacking! When installing a cracked Mac OS X, you are responsible under the laws of your country.

I must say right away that installing a hackintosh on a laptop is not an occupation for the faint of heart, unlike a PC, everything will not work normally on a laptop right away and some laptop components may not work, for example: WI-FI, Bluetooth, CardReader, touchpad.

My installation went in normal mode, since I turned off the discrete video card. Otherwise, I would get a stop on it or I would have VESA mode. But in general, laptop owners get a lot of stops at the time of installation. This is stop due to the processor model, stop due to the video card, stop due to the keyboard with a touchpad, and so on. If you decide to put the NullCPUPowerManagment kext (or whatever it is called there now), then that's it - it's better not to install the hackintosh. I repeat, the hack should be as native to the hardware as possible, otherwise you are guaranteed to dance with a tambourine. And then, even in my hackintosh it was not without a few kexts, which I will discuss below.

As a result, a fully working hackintosh. Almost everything works. But this installation is nothing more than an experiment to prove that it is very easy to install a hackintosh on a regular laptop with similar hardware. By the way, according to my personal feelings, the laptop in OS X El Capitan began to warm up a little less than in Windows 10. In particular, when working with PHPStorm.

With the creation of a flash drive for our hackintosh, we are done. Now you need to install the bootloader on the USB flash drive. We will use the Clover bootloader version 2695. The versions below will not work, they cannot load OS X 10.10! You can download the Clover 2695 bootloader from here: 2ff7e9595c


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